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Nanatsu no Bitoku
Ecchi, Fantasy
Airing Date:
January 27 2018
Other Seasons:

The Seven Heavenly Virtues? I feel like I would sin just being near these angels. hehe

Yes!!! This is the un-official sequel to sin Nanatsu no Taizai! There is going to be so much uncensored ungodliness... err... godliness in this anime. I expect a lot of bouncing boobs, panty shots, and very carefully placed camera angles.

I already call Uriel and Sandalphon as my girls. Ehehehehe. This is going to me like Masou Gakuen HxH but with angels. Yes! Ecchi fans rejoice at the depravity of this anime.

I was going to compare it instead to Valkyrie Drive: Mermaid more than anything else. It"s going to be excellent. Thank you Hobby Japan for making yet another anime.
(Credit Honey’s Anime when you use our description.)
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