- System: NS, PS4, XB1, and PC. PS Vita (Japan Only)
- Publisher: Koei Tecmo
- Developer: Omega Force
- Release Date: March 20, 2017
So fans of Dynasty Warriors, Bayonetta, and the likes, can continue to enjoy more intense fighting with Attack on Titan 2 from Omega Force and Koei Tecmo. The first version of Attack on Titan was met with much appreciation from fans of the anime series, as it brought an amazing concept of attacking Titans like you would in the anime. Although there was much feedback given to the creators in regards to the functionality of the game, Omega Force has heard your comments and applied them to this new iteration.
Not to forget, the AI algorithm in Attack on Titan 2 will have you on the edge of your seat as the Titans can evolve their movements based on your attacks, approach, and observation. We’ll definitely delve into that a little more in this impression of Attack on Titan 2.
We do want to make certain that this impression is for the multiplayer functionality and PvP mode which is 4v4 in who can score the highest in slaying Titans! Our coverage was experienced on the Nintendo Switch, offline, and in a room with other journalists from other outlets. So kick back and let’s get into it.
Attack on Titan 2 Action Trailer
Omega Force wanted to keep things interesting for players as they delve into a story they already know so to not be bored along the way. Of course, things may change as Omega Force and Koei Tecmo are still sharpening their tools for the final product of the game. For now, this is all we know at the moment.
Once you start the match, you divided up equally, of course, and placed on opposite sides of the map which looked like the city in of the first wall, Wall Maria, but since we’re talking about the second season here, it could possibly be Wall Rose as well. When the match begins, GO!! Your goal is to eliminate as many Titans as you can and there are also various ways of doing it, but first, let’s go over the basics.
The Basics

You are also able to focus on different parts of the Titan by being able to control, with the R-stick, where you want to attack first or if you always want to go for the sweet spot. Pressing the action button while focused on a body part will slingshot you towards the targeted area and with perfect timing, you can sever a limb in an instant or eliminate the Titan altogether. Watching your health is one thing you will need to pay attention to as it can drain fast for reasons we’ll get into in a bit, as well as, a new sneak attack feature.
There is also a mini-map on the bottom right of the screen for you to get around easier. The D-Pad of the controller holds your extra health, extra blades for your slicing and dicing needs, and tow special item slots. In addition, there is a new Sneak Attack feature that allows you to take aim via scope, and launch a high-speed and devastating blow if you time it just right! But if you aim at the Titan for too long, well, you"ll see!
Other than that, get ready experience the feeling you get when your adrenaline rush starts to kick in.
As A Team

That is one of the best strategies to conduct if scoring the highest point in a certain amount of time. Of course, if you have a team of 3, the third teammate can lead the way by injuring other Titans in the area so that once you are done with the other, you can easily take out the rest with no hassle. Just be warned, though, if the other team is fighting in the same area as you, they can easily steal your kill for themselves, leaving you with nothing to gain from. So play smart.
In addition to playing as a team offensively, you can do so defensively. For example, if a Titan grabs you or a teammate, either one of you who aren’t caught can swoop in and save the other from being crushed or eaten by a Titan. Doing this will also grant you some extra points but not as much as if you weren’t caught in the first place, of course. Again, play smart!
Last, when a team works together, they score extra points together, naturally. So help each other and get them extra points, because remember, the highest scoring team wins!
As An Individual

It is possible to get several combinations of instakills throughout the match and that will definitely rack you some points in the long run, but remember, it’s all about the timing/precision! Plus, if you play by yourself, it kind of leaves you more vulnerable to Titans grabbing a hold of you and when they do, you’ll need to get free by press the action button faster than the meter running out which allows the Titan to devour you, which is what we’re going to talk about next!
The Titans

The new AI functionality for the Titans definitely brought a much-needed challenge compared to the first game. Other challenges that were a delight was getting used to the omnidirectional mobile gear due to the new feature of directional change in mid-air that allows for more freedom the maneuver around buildings and Titans. The multiplayer PvP we experienced was great overall and getting to see and play as your beloved character in this demo made us happy! Hange Zoe for life!
We highly recommend fans of the anime series or original video game for it, to check this title out as it will definitely leave you with a smile on your pretty little face. We’re sure people are going to love the new customization of characters, the new maneuverability and the challenge, and the fact that when you create a new character, you"re allowed to view a character’s storyline from a different perspective! I hope we mentioned that? If not, now you know!
This preview was just the multiplayer demo so you can imagine how much more there is to expect from the game on release, or at least until we get a review copy of it. Sound off in the comments below if you are excited and/or if you have questions! So much more to experience and we can’t wait any longer! “Shut up and take my money!!”
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