Thursday, April 12, 2018

[Gratuitous Ecchi Winter 2018] Like Netsuzou TRap? Watch This!

Antoine Rizal

As we have mentioned in a previous article--yuri anime is on the rise and anime like Netsuzou TRap is leading the way. And with it comes a specific brand of ecchi fanservice you won’t find anywhere else in abundance. Yuri anime can work without any lewd/ecchi content, but for the most part, yuri anime tend to be very lewd. Some are gratuitous, while some are there to evoke a certain response from the viewers like a fawning reaction when two girls finally touch their lips. Netsuzou TRap--or NTR--offers fanservice that is either cute, sweet, ecchi to very shocking and the fanservice is so frequent, it hindered pacing and filled the 8-minute episodes with unneeded nudity, rape, and abuse. With that said though, it’s generally not a bad thing--Excessive fanservice caters to a certain audience and the anime adaptation of NTR is made specifically for that group of people. After you’ve read the title of this article, it’s safe to say you’re part of that audience.

In this article, Honey’s Anime will share with you two anime series that have similar fanservice to NTR. While we’re going through the usual rounds of finding similarities to characters and stories, we’re going to find similarities with the yuri fanservice. If the Winter Season has left you out in the cold with its sparse selection of yuri anime or anime with gratuitous ecchi fanservice, Honey’s Anime will certainly get you all warmed up like sitting near the fireplace!

  • Episodes: 12

  • Aired: July 2017-September 2017

Okazaki Yuma and Mizushima Hotaru are best friends since childhood and by the time they reached high school, Yuma got herself a nice boyfriend. New to this experience, Yuma asks Hotaru for advice, but things start getting complicated when Hotaru kissed her. Conflicted with her feelings, Yuma doesn’t know what to do with Hotaru and her boyfriend vying for her love. Will Yuma cheat on her boyfriend so she can fool around with Hotaru, or will her boyfriend found out and feel devastated by the betrayal? NTR is a story of searching for true love and how to attain it, betrayal, and deception.

  • Episodes: 12

  • Aired: January 2018-March 2018/Ongoing

After her mother remarried and moved to a new place, the highly fashionable gyaru Aihara Yuzu is excited to attend her new school, meet new friends, get a boyfriend along the way and meet with her new sister. Things didn’t turn out so well for Yuzu as she finds out the school is an all-girls school with a strict policy on clothing within the school premises. There, she encountered the most stuck up girl in the school--the student council president Mei. After a grueling first day of school, Yuzu’s mother introduced her new sister--the student council president Mei. Aihara Mei. Love and confusion are well on its way as Yuzu starts developing a romantic interest in Mei.

1.) Love Is EXTREMELY Complicated

Explaining Love is very difficult because it can take on many manifestations, be it the love between a man and a woman, or love between two genders, love with your parents, love between siblings, or even love with someone who isn’t human. To briefly explain the messy story of NTR, Hotaru fell in love with Yuma back in grade school when Yuma became her protector from bullies and only friend. In high school, Hotaru has had several boyfriends, ultimately settling with Fujiwara. Hotaru doesn’t love the abusive Fujiwara, and in exchange for sexual favors, Hotaru used him to stop other boys from approaching her.

It is also a way to suppress her confused feelings towards Yuma. Things got even more complicated when Yuma and classmate Takeda became lovers, and Hotaru’s feelings became a confused mess. Unable to suppress her feelings any longer, Hotaru tricked Yuma into doing erotic actions under the guise of practice between two friends, making Yuma confused about her own feelings towards Hotaru and begins to question her love towards Takeda.

Mei in Citrus is equally manipulative and confused as Hotaru about her feelings. Yuzu came into her life as a new stepsister when their parents remarried and things should’ve gone normally if it weren’t for a web of events Yuzu uncovered like Mei’s fiance is a teacher of the school, and the politics behind her, her father, the school chairman-grandfather, and the future of the school. Yuzu confronted Mei regarding the indecent acts she saw between Mei and her fiance at school, only to be shot down by Mei as she pinned Yuzu to the ground and stole a kiss.

The confused Yuzu tries to piece together what the hell is happening and tries to figure out what’s on Mei’s locked out mind. Yuzu thought maybe it’s best to act as a responsible sister, but ended up falling in love with Mei even more. However, Mei sees it differently, but gradually, as she slowly opens up to Yuzu, she might tell Yuzu how she really feels.

2.) Girls Get Into Very Awkward Situations

Hotaru loves Yuma a lot and made sure Yuma gets the message. Whenever they’re alone in the bathroom, bedroom, or even the balconies of their apartment, Hotaru wastes no time to feel up Yuma’s body and steal a few kisses. There’s even a scene where Yuma was talking to her boyfriend Takeda on the phone while trying to hold her gasps and moans as Hotaru probes Yuma’s delicate body with her fingers.

In Citrus, Yuzu and Mei’s relationship are still all over the place with Yuzu conflicted about her feelings, and Mei is so good at hiding her emotions. It’s hard for Yuzu to figure out what Mei is thinking, she ended up getting confused at what to do. What do the kisses they shared or kisses Mei had stolen, mean? Is Mei in love with Yuzu, or is Mei letting out her frustrations by sexually assaulting the already confused Yuzu?

3.) Sexual Tensions Are Off the Charts

The girls in NTR and Citrus are very sexually aggressive, so much so, that it’s almost borderline hentai. At the start of NTR, the first scene we already see Hotaru “teaching” Yuma on how to deal with her boyfriend when things heat up, at that already sets the tone of the anime. Every episode we see Hotaru doing a lot of lewd things to Yuma like stealing kisses, feeling up Yuma, teasing Yuma to the point of arousal, etc., and they’re all under the guise of “practice”!

In Citrus, the ecchi scenes aren’t as shocking as NTR’s, but you can instantly tell Yuzu and Mei are as sexually aggressive like Yuzu kissing and licking Mei’s ear in a crowded train because Yuzu found out Mei’s ears are sensitive, or Mei taking out her frustrations towards Yuzu by sexually assaulting her. Yes… You read that right. But thankfully, they’re not as extreme or violent found in hentai.

  • Episodes: 12

  • Aired: January 2018-Ongoing

For centuries the zaibatsu conglomerates of Japan have held underground blood sports for entertainment, gambling, settle differences, or change the course of history by letting the winning conglomerate dictate the prosperity or even the downfall of Japan. With the advancements in genetic engineering, scientists can splice in animal genes to humans, giving them superhuman abilities based on the animal"s genes they possess. These genetic monstrosities are called the therianthrope, and the zaibatsu conglomerates use them as pawns for their twisted bloodsport known as Killing Bites. Uzaki Hitomi is one such therianthrope and she has the genes of the honey badger---animal known to be the most fearless in the animal kingdom.

To put it simply… It’s an anime about how the 1% spend their free time.

Now, now, we already know what you’re thinking: “Bu-But Honey-sensei! NTR and Killing Bites are totally different shows! One is a drama/romance anime and the other is PUBG with monster girls fighting! Why not pick Nanatsu no Bitoku instead?!”

And you’d be right! NTR and Killing Bites are totally different and Nanatsu no Bitoku is a more likely candidate because it has gratuitous ecchi content. BUUUUUUT… We think Nanatsu no Bitoku is not as awesome as Killing Bites! Like, seriously, each episode of Nanatsu is 5-ish minutes long! We’re totally not biased towards Killing Bites because it’s really awesome or anything! D-Don’t get the wrong idea, b-baka!

*ahem*You should really check out Killing Bites!*ahem*


1.) Strong Female Lead Character

Yuma can be dense and indecisive, but hey, she’s not perfect and seeing her best friend doing things that no friends should do can really get her confused. Yuma was definitely in love with Takeda and their kiss was proof enough. What Yuma failed to realize that Hotaru always wanted to be by her side, and Hotaru needs a true lover and not some sex human toy. In the end, Yuma came to terms with her own feelings and became the very person Hotaru looked up to and admired.

Hitomi is a strong female character both literally and figuratively. She inherited the traits and fearlessness of the honey badger, and has the power and ferocity that can best the most powerful of therianthropes. She is extremely durable, quickly learns the special moves of her opponents and device countermeasures, and has the traditional cocky attitude common in shounen characters. All of these traits easily describe Hitomi as lean, mean, fighting machine, but when she’s not fighting for her life, Hitomi acts like any high school girl out there. She can be caring for others as well, especially towards her savior, Dr. Shidoh. Basically… just don’t get on her bad side.

2.) L-Lewd…!

Here’s a protip: If the main character is female and there are a lot of female supporting cast, chances are you’ll get yuri fanservice, regardless if the shows are yuri or not. This is so true for both NTR and Killing Bites with guaranteed ecchi moments in every episode. In NTR we see Hotaru in various states of undress several times, and of course, Hotaru seducing Yuma by groping, kissing and sometimes touching Yuma’s sensitive spots. For Killing Bites, the ecchi moments caters to both yuri and hetero with male villains having a thing for raping women, to women having a thing for raping other women.

During a battle, Hitomi wears nothing but a tank top and panties to make room for the extra hair, huge muscular arms, and claws. So if she ever gets her clothes ripped, she pretty much has nothing to cover herself once she reverts back to human. Lastly, fellow combatant Nakanishi Eruza has a crush on Hitomi, and there’s a rather lewd moment later in the anime where the two get horny after sniffing some potent aphrodisiac.

Final Thoughts

Sex sells and that’s why the porn industry is thriving. This can also apply to anything non-porn like a show where you see lots of tanned women in bikinis, or in video games where the female fighter has extra jiggle physics and you lost the match because you’re too busy letting your opponent hit you for the jiggles.

Anime is also a hotbed for fanservice because, as mentioned earlier, sex sells, and, for the most part, anime is aimed at teenagers whose hormones are turned up to eleven. While some of the fanservice have a purpose—like, say, a setup to get two people together—some are plainly gratuitous, or unneeded, or are just there for shock value and for the initial pre-order sale.

Hey, it’s human nature and anime is capitalizing on that instinct by providing some ecchi fanservice in their shows. To be perfectly honest though, there’s nothing inherently wrong with that!

Antoine Rizal

Author: Antoine Rizal

I"ve been an anime fan for as long as I can remember. Actually, anime is very much a part of me now for I have extended my reach beyond just watching them. I am a fansubber for more than 8 years now and contributed a lot to the anime community. Me and my group has translated shows, manga, drama CDs and doujinshi. Right now I"m learning Japanese so I can better serve the community and read interesting stuff about the Japanese culture as well.

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